We had the immense pleasure of hosting Prof. Jitendra Malik, a prominent figure in computer vision, at our Computer Vision Lab (CVLab) at Seoul National University. During his visit, Prof. Malik engaged deeply with our team, exploring our current research initiatives and sharing invaluable insights into the future of computer vision.
Prof. Malik’s visit included a comprehensive talk titled “Reconstructing and Recognizing Human Actions in Video,” held on April 19th. In his presentation, he discussed cutting-edge techniques developed by his team at UC Berkeley for analyzing human behavior from videos. Highlights included the use of transformer neural networks to reconstruct 3D meshes of human bodies from single images and their innovative approach to 4D tracking to create dynamic, time-resolved models of human movement.
We are incredibly grateful for the knowledge and enthusiasm Prof. Malik brought to our lab, leaving us inspired and more eager than ever to advance our research in computer vision. His visit will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on our ongoing and future projects.
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